Wednesday, August 24, 2005

From Southside to the Best Bar Bar none?

Most people by now know that our beloved bar Southside, is in the process of being pulled down and with it our Darts Selectadium.

The shity of Milton Kenyes has already expressed an interest in relocating the team, but discussions broke down. The bag lady summed up the situation "I spend my squalered life sat in my own piss, having to lick my cats for food and rely on Jeff and his busy hands for entertainment, why on earth would I want to move to Milton Keynes?"

The challenge for the Selecta boys now is to find a new bar worthy of their aeronautical skills and the memory of Southside bar. So they have taken it upon themselves to review a bar each and scientifically assess the best darts bar in london.

Selection criteria so far includes:
  • Range of bar snacks including pork scratchings, mini cheddars, scampi fries, bacon fries, hot nuts and most importantly crisps.
  • Range of strangely name beers and accesibilty to 'The Nations Finest' Carlsberg.
  • Quality of sports arena, including lighting, scoreboard quality, space and general chearleadability.
  • Friendliness and attractiveness/availability of bar staff.
  • Whether they will provide food for matches.
  • Availability of board on Monday nights
  • Price.

Please feel free to add further categories as a comment.

The list of pubs are:

The plan is to post a review of each of these pubs, so please select one from the list and email me which assigned you have acccepted to ensure no duplications. To remind you of the high standard we expect from our new bar, here is a picture of Roger receiving the runner-up award in the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) ‘Club of the Year’ 2005 competition, shortly before the bar was pulled down.

Tags: london, sport, imperial, darts, beer


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